Sunshine and smiles filled Camp Randall at this Cane Toss in 2011.
Students run across the field and toss their canes over the goal post during the Cane Parade in 2016.
These dapper students from the class of 1965 celebrate together before heading to Camp Randall.
Student James Schernecker, center, participates in the annual Cane Toss 1964 while holding…a pig? If you remember the story, we’d love to learn more!
Perhaps the student on the left misunderstood: you throw your cane, not yourself, over the goal post.
This student from 2013 looks jubilant after completing the Cane Toss; we can assume he caught his!
One for all, and all for one! A group of students team together to ensure their collective success at the Cane Toss.
A cane hangs on the upright, indicating the student’s first case will settle, while students revel in the excitement in 1981.
Some Homecomings are swelteringly hot, and others require bundled coats and hats, as worn by these students in 1973, but we always have fun!
Professor Herbert Page, center, leads the Cane Parade across the field at Camp Randall Stadium in 1949. It is believed that the tradition started with the arrival of this legendary professor.
Autumnal colors surround this group of students preparing for the Cane Toss outside the Law School in 1986.
Ready, set—go! Students wait on the field at Camp Randall before running across the field to toss their canes in 1981.
Students rally with their canes held high before the exciting sprint across the field.
Students run across the field at Camp Randall Stadium while participating in the Law School’s Cane Toss tradition in 1981.
Students pose for a photo outside Camp Randall before the Cane Toss in 1973.
It’s the pivotal moment for this class of 1995—will they catch their canes?
A cane is caught, and a student triumphs!
Eager students chat while waiting for the “go-ahead” to run across the field.